hahah.. picking up from the last post.. I did order pizza on the next day... to be exact around 1am 29 November 2020 hahahah to be delivered at 11am... ya allah nak makan pizza ja pun pikiaq dah la lama..melibatkan ramai pihak pulak tu ahaahah...even betul2 before order tu pun kacau Alang tanya pizza apa nak order ahahaha..last2 back to basic pepperoni pizza jugak...review boleh bagi...I think i'm the first person to receive the order hahaha..sebab dia sampai more than 15mins awai...and still panas..but honestly, onion ring and chicken apa benda tu cam tak worth it sangat..sebab onion ring tu hmm tak rasa onion pun..and the chicken cam better beli chicken popcorn goreng sendiri lagi besaq...hahaha..tapi memang seharian la makan full set hahahah...
Order made at 1am hehe |
order sampai..dalam lift dah tangkap gambaq |
tralalala~ |
eventhough the review wasn't that great..but yeah my tummy was sufficiently filled |
and yes my cuti macam tak cuti despite buat notice that i'm on leave..ada ja orang nak message or email me for something..but kerja is kerja kalau ditangguh pun at the end of the day still kena buat juga..so I try my best untuk siapkan before the end of my holiday but then right on the last day of my leave dapat email invitation meeting for my next engagement T_T... so petang Rabu tu pun buka la laptop..and I found out that I was picked to be the staff in charged to collect CD from client and review their Oct annual report T_T...which means I have to go to client office the next day..but luckily collect CD tu client agreed at 3pm..but being Mama's daughter..I leave my house 1 hour earlier hahaha...nasib la kluaq awai sebab sebagai seorang yang rabun peta ni...haihh daripada estimated time 9-12 mins jadi 30 mins lebih jugak la baru sampai ahahaha..but at least sampai awai dari agreed time..my Mama told me biaq kita tunggu orang jangan biaq orang tunggu kita...so the next day tu acah la cam k dah tau jalan tak yah la rushing sangat...but guess what, nama pun rabun peta, kita follow waze ja la..dia boleh plak guna jalan lain hari Jumaat tu..dah tu mangkuk ni pun dah tau waze guna jalan lain still follow mem**** buta...hahahah..but I arrived 3 mins before agreed time..which is at 8.30am..yang lawaknya..call client inform that I've arrived..dia boleh plak kata it's only 8.30am.. what time is agreed meeting time??..I'm like..hmm yes 8.30 is the time I'm supposed to be reviewing your annual report...hahaha..oh and nasib malam sebelum tanya my manager about the task given..cause I thought I'll be reviewing only 1 annual report..well I'm too far off..it is 24 annual report altogether T_T...so yeah seharian la saya di office client hahaha
gigih buat notice T_T takda function rasanya |
baju yang dipilih untuk ke office client |
after berkurun tak ke office..baru boleh potong tag seluaq ni ahahah |
first day to client's office outfit |
2nd day cam suram sikit sebab dari pagi kena gerak kan hahahah |
...so weekend pun kembali hehe..I thought nothing much will happen..maklum la mco sepatutnya lifted that weekend..but guess what..pagi2 Sabtu (5 December 2020)...dah dapat call dari my bro and my sis and ..... k kita stop crita tu takat situ ja la hahahaha...
The TEA~ |
then the weekend when by with no news of mco ended instead extended sampai 20 December -_-... so the following week..which this week..I'm fully occupied with completing my working paper.. memang literally sepanjang minggu tu makan tak terurus langsung and tidoq tak jaga gila...but weird enough I don't really feel sick or anything..just ya la penat...ada hari yang kerja sampai berapa pagi pun dalam kepala plan nak masuk kerja lambat la kononnya..sebab our rules ada la cam..you are excused to clock in lambat dari sepatutnya if you work more than others..it is not really a spoken/written rule just that make sense la..but tah badan dah ditrain kot..so cam by 550-615 tu dah bangun subuh..kalau sambung tidoq balik pun by 740 dah mandi..kul 8 dah boleh on laptop T_T.. so semalam I've submitted my last working paper..and today tak buka laptop langsung so entah la apa review yang dapat for that working paper...but apart from that yesterday jugak last day one of my senior..the one that guide me through my previous engagment..actually I've found out about her resignation a few weeks ago dah..saw the note in her retain..since that day I feel damn guilty..cam ada setan duk bisik "sebab hang la weyh dia kena berhenti kerja..hang la buat kerja cuai..tak responsible...menyusahkan orang len..dah junior tu tak tau tu tanya la bagi habis...buat kerja tu meticulous la skit..benda ni impact company besaq..bukan cam waktu belajaq dulu paling2 tolak markah final..benda ni bagi kesan kat suma orang sekeliling hang!!"... so yesterday after I received the news..I immediately OC dia...asking whether her resignation partly due to my poor performance..luckily it is not...she actually get a new job in Singapore..as supportive as she always be..she told me if there's any problem do not hesitate to Whatsapp her hahah..thank you, really appreciate everything you did for me and our team during the engagement...I'll make sure the appoval you give to the higher up to confirm my position in the company is worth it..I'll learn more and be better than you in handling my task as well as in mentoring my juniors in the near future..and of course..sorry for all the trouble I give to you and our team...wishing you have a bright future ahead!
when you were appreciated for your work..all the struggle throughout the week is worth it |
best of luck to my senior Wan Ling..thank you ~ |
And lastly, the final highlight... Abah planned to buy himself a new computer chair..sebab yang lama dah hmmm almost lunyai...so, dia ada discuss ngan Along about that..sebagai pakar computer kat dalam family ni..beberapa hari jugak la dia sembang ngan Abah..and then one day, dia hantaq kat Ina and Alang..plan untuk belikan Abah kerusi sama brand ngan kerusi dia duk guna sekarang... but the plan is to suruh Abah transfer the amount of money yang Abah cadang nak beli awai2..the remaining will be covered by us... but first problem is to ask him to transfer the first amount tu ahahahah...banyak la benda dia kata..nak discuss ngan Mama dulu laa..tunggu la nanti pi Penang dia nak beli terus la apa la...last2 entah la macam mana Along buat but the money has been transferred..hahaha yang lawaknya haritu jugak dia kalut nak call Ina sebab konon nak korek rahsia plan kami...too bad Along and Kak Ifah pun seharian on the line ngan Ina hahahah...so memang sampai kesudah dia tak dapat any info or update...then Kak Ifah proceed untuk beli kerusi tu..and guess what tak sampai berapa hari dah sampai kerusi tu hahahah...kami letak under nama Alang..and sampai waktu Abah takda kat rumah...Mama yang lagi excited waktu dapat kotak tu ahahha..dia yang rancang nak sorok kotak la apa laa...finally, dia siap letak ribbon k kat kerusi tu which katanya Abah tak perasan pun until kali ke-4 dia masuk bilik baru dia perasan hehe...anyway, hadiah untuk Abah buat masa sekarang Ina still bertong2 ngan Along Alang n Kak Ifah..haihh bila la boleh Ina provide the surprise to both of you using my own money...ada ja duit tapi tak tau nak beli apa...bila tanya ada apa2 yang depa nak..depa jawab Ina beli barang basah balik masak kat rumah pun dah cukup ahahhaha...k la insyallah in the near future Ina balik masak...tapi jujur cakap kalau tak sedap tu telan ja la..bahan kat rumah Ina pun tak extravagant sangat sepanjang duduk sini, so nak explore recipe masak banyak2 pun tak boleh hahaha..so yeah..enjoy the chair...dengaq cerita another surprise will be ready in a few days...so wait for it again hehe..chau~
order track |
Alang ditugaskan untuk menyambut dan memasang hahaha |
walaa~ |
but can you do this~! (pewd tone) |
ribbon cam apa ja hahaha |
pls excuse his exhausted posture haha..baru balik kerja guys |