Tuesday, April 28, 2020


WAA!! rasa lamanya tak update blog guna laptop... even kat intec until certain sem laptop lama dah dipulaukan..most of the time update through phone or computer kat library... reason satu laptop lama agak lagging maklum la dah lama...second selalu urgent update so cam guna phone lagi cepat and kalau kat library tu hmmm dah memang tak da kerja la tu in between classes... jadi benda kalau kena tinggai lama2 ni tau2 laa...macam2 la kerenah dia...mula la nak transfer gambaq problem, screen mula buat hal and etc... so cerita dia Ina dah ada laptop baru...ingat dak post sebelum ni pasai beli phone baru… Huawei kan so tengok la features matebook dia... and somehow kinda fall in love with it.. so lepas a few debates and discussion ngan abah disertakan dengan rujukan ilmiah abang2 iolss… harini Ina dapat la laptop tu muahahahah… tengah2 MCO ni jugak la gedik baru nak beli...sebelum PKP acah nak tunggu Xpro la bagai… cerita dia a few weeks ago dah contact ngan Huawei store kat Aman Central tanya pasai latest update of the XPro and expected price...tapi dia balas cam lambat and vague sangat...so end up cakap kat abah lek lu ahh tak urgently in need of a laptop pun... then semalam sambil tengok MBC music fest abah suruh tanya lagi sekali exact price...so pagi tadi seawal entah la pukul brapa Ina menjalankan tugas yang diberi… pagi tu jugak depa respond... after a while payment has been made walaa… so tengah hari camtu sampai la ke pintu rumah ku hehehe... Huawei Matebook 13 and here I am trying to transfer all my pic/vid from previous laptop to this new one hehehe... Apart from that!! harini jugak Ina dapat email dari Ms Pei again...oh maybe tak pernah mention pasal Ms Pei ni in previous post but to keep it short and simple..she is the one I'm currently in contact with in regards to EY..so today she congratulated for completing my ACCA and gladly welcome me to be with them this coming July.. wishing this virus can be kind and calm before I start my work... still need to think of accommodation and transportation hmmm.. and lastly abah ada order something for me... something that I like hahahaa apa ja Ina tak suka~ tapi yang tu tengok gambaq la..susah la nak explain through words hahahah
Thank you mama and abah for the laptop and other gifts given to me all this while... I'll be waiting with an open arms for more in the future hehehe JKJK...
my special gifts hahahahahha

my new toy


my collection...part of it

make it possible

thank you ^_^

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