Sunday, December 31, 2023

stepping into another year~

Here again, last night of the year. It's interesting to look back at every year end to see how life unfold...365 episodes, with multiple genres that can be tag in each series... There are some episodes totally filled with comedy, romance, horror, Action!... and of course a lot of them mixed with genres like emotional, savage, dark comedy, etc... Life sure is a drama, and being the main character is not an easy thing... so congratulations to all the main characters that managed to survive once again till the end of the series this year! Honestly, when I hit 25, I feel thrilled as this is the age that I has been waiting for since high school... There's a lot of things that I had plan for my 25 year-old self back in the day... And as always Allah is the best planner, I won't give up on those plans, as I'm only 5 months in my 25th year of age hehe

If I can summarise what happened this year, there's a few karaoke sessions had, some birthday celebrations, there's day that we went to support Carmen FSO rep!, golf session with the team to destress ourselves, laugh, tears and also virus spread at client's place hehe, team lunch/dinner, farewell with a few team members, attend Jeng Yee's big day, family trip to Tambun and Ipoh (house with karaoke ^^), temple experience with team, introduced to a nice cafe by Carmen (had breakfast with them a few times too ^-^), visited mom's hometown, being part of EY FSO's netball team (won 3rd place!!!>.<), sprained my ankle and walked with swollen leg for at least more than a week hehe, filled my house with clown (weird that I hate clown but I legit has clown related items everywhere in my house), badminton session with fam! (while recovering from the swollen leg - which makes it worst -.-) , as per my last post I got another sis, burning my stomach with bro and sis, barbeque sessions, My first flight experience - Sabah FSO group trip <3!, new TV, surprised my teammates with the amount of food I can consume, supporting bro for his Full Marathon, fight with Lily everytime we are left alone hahahah, finally experienced ACCA member event, went to Night of Fright with the scaredy cats that actually turns out to be the bravest pack of all (salute with admiration O-O), watching my bro graduation, spent almost the whole day at games cafe and museums, eating alone during dinner event T-T, bowling games, spring cleaning, annual hair cut appointment, christmas dinner and lastly secret santa event with buddies... Wow that is almost EVERYTHING I did this year hahahaha...

So yeah that is all, 2024 please be nice to me, Arfareena Arman, let's grow stronger, braver and more mature this year to face new challenges and obstacles... Although I always pray that others only go through flowery path, I do know life is not that simple, thus I hope despite any unwanted experience to face in 2024, we can all go through with it heads on... of course, we are only humans and are prone to make mistakes, but let's be a bit more careful as we step deeper into adulthood...since we are well aware now that it is not easy! Thank you for every experience, leeway, lectures, lessons learnt in 2023!! hope you can see a better version of me in 2024~!

enjoy almost 90 pics below MUAHAHAHAH

Boss Sohan last day
Jeng Yee big day
Cara utk menakutkan Lily muahahah
hadiah Abah #YNWA
Tambun trip
focus yg blakang tau bukan depan
struggling nau angle photographer ni ambik
again pls focus yg blakang
temple experience
our jersey
FSO netball fam
sister's match 2nd n 3rd
my team
practice session
right after 4-5 rounds and a drive back home
swollen foot
helpful friends that help me throughout my first flight experience
admiring the clouds
loving the view
want to experience this again..a walk by the beach with a splendid view
night activity..shhh it's a secret
happy pirate and smiling captive(?)
cray2 pirates in action
walking alone around jesselton and bought myself that shell necklace
great hospitality from Shangrila Rasa Ria - farewell song from the staffs 

accessory for THE night
while in line for the roller coaster
Scary yet fun night to remember
Thanks gurls (+ 1 bodyguard)
Eh2 ada acah2 Korea - Kelate jahh
short meet up with this cuties
1st medal gain from EY
thanks team
great to know you gurls
finally arrived
one with the president himself

Karaoke house
Golf time

congrats bro
belemoih masing2
pokkk congrats pokkk

board games cafe
only we were there, so we play as much as we want to

my santee gifts <3
Santa mode on
Chu as company hehe
snack bag
Santa coming~
the view that night
Made by Carmen, helped by Zee Yan, An Qi and Xin Lu
mine is soda k..really full that night no joke 
my gifts from my santa
got what I wish for <3
can be used for my online interview..*hint2* ahahahha
most needed item in my house
Carmen's hot choco
morning view
Santa off duty
our meal that night
cute gurls..Thanks
Pyjama theme for the secret santa event hahah

Date with mom and haircut appointment
my dad asked me "who are you?" after I sent him this
I didn't realise my hair does grow quite long over the year
But I started loving shorter hair now anyway hehe
has been going for this range of hair for the last 3 years.

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